CDL Modules
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 apb_master_axi.cdlAXI target to an APB master interface
 apb_processor.cdlPipelined APB request/response master, driven by a ROM
 apb_target_dprintf.cdlSimple target for an APB bus to drive the dprintf request
 apb_target_gpio.cdlSimple GPIO target for an APB bus
 apb_target_led_ws2812.cdlSimple APB target for driving a chain of Neopixels
 apb_target_rv_timer.cdlRISC-V compatible timer target for an APB bus
 apb_target_sram_interface.cdlAPB bus target to drive an SRAM read/write request
 apb_target_timer.cdlSimple timer target for an APB bus
 cpu6502.cdlCDL implementation of 6502 CPU core
 csr_master_apb.cdlPipelined CSR request/response master, driven by an APB
 csr_target_apb.cdlPipelined CSR request/response interface to APB slave interface
 csr_target_csr.cdlPipelined CSR request/response interface to simple CSR read/write
 csr_target_timeout.cdlTimeout target to auto-complete CSR transactions on a timeout
 apb.hTypes for the APB bus
 apb_peripherals.hModules of various simple APB peripherals
 axi.hTypes for the AXI bus
 bbc_micro_types.hBBC micro types header file for CDL
 bbc_submodules.hBBC micro CDL submodules
 csr_interface.hTypes and modules for the CSR interface
 de1_cl.hInput file for DE1 cl inputs and boards
 framebuffer.hFramebuffer CDL types and submodules
 input_devices.hInput device header file for CDL modules
 leds.hConstants, types and modules for various LED drivers
 picoriscv.hModule that makes up a Pico-RISC-V microcomputer
 picoriscv_submodules.hModules that make up a Pico-RISC-V microcomputer
 riscv.hHeader file for RISC-V implementations
 riscv_modules.hHeader file for RISC-V implementations
 srams.hSRAM modules used by all the modules
 timer.hTimer types header file for CDL modules
 utils.hHeader file for utilities
 ps2_host.cdlPS2 interface for keyboard or mouse
 ps2_host_keyboard.cdlPS2 interface converter for keyboard as host
 jtag_apb.cdlJTAG tap client to APB master module
 jtag_tap.cdlJTAG tap controller module
 led_seven_segment.cdlSimple module to support 7-segment hex display
 led_ws2812_chain.cdl'Neopixel' LED chain driver module
 acia6850.cdl6850 async communications chip CDL implementation
 via6522.cdlCDL implementation of a 6522 versatile interface adaptor (VIA)
 dprintf.cdlDebug text formatter
 generic_valid_ack_mux.cdlA generic valid/ack multiplexer to combine buses with valid/ack protocol
 hysteresis_switch.cdlA hystersis detector using counter pairs
 crtc6845.cdlCDL implementation of 6845 CRTC
 framebuffer.cdlFramebuffer module with separate display and video sides
 framebuffer_teletext.cdlTeletext framebuffer module with separate write and video sides
 framebuffer_timing.cdlFramebuffer timing module to create sync and display signals
 saa5050.cdlCDL implementation of Mullard SAA5050
 teletext.cdlCDL implementation of a teletext decoder