CDL Modules


file  riscv_csrs_minimal.cdl
 Control/status registers for a minimal RISC-V implementation.

Detailed Description


module riscv_csrs_minimal::riscv_csrs_minimal ( clock  clk,
input bit  reset_n,
input t_riscv_irqs  irqs,
input t_riscv_csr_access  csr_access,
input t_riscv_word  csr_write_data,
output t_riscv_csr_data  csr_data,
input t_riscv_csr_controls  csr_controls,
output t_riscv_csrs_minimal  csrs 

This module implements a minimal set of RISC-V CSRs, as per v2.1 (May 2016) of the RISC-V instruction set manual user level ISA and v1.9.1 of the privilege architecture (Nov 2016), with the exception that MTIME has been removed (as this seems to be the correct thing to do).

The privilege specifcation (v1.10) indicates:

meip is read-only and is derived from the external irq in to this module

mtip is read-only, cleared by writing to the memory-mapped timer comparator

msip is read-write in a memory-mapped register somewhere

Hence the irqs structure must provide these three signals

Minimal CSRs as only machine mode and debug mode are supported. In debug mode every register access is supported. In machine mode then every register EXCEPT access to ??? is supported.

Given machine mode is the only mode supported:

there are no SEI and UEI interrupt pins in to this module

SEIP and UEIP are not supported

STIP and UTIP are not supported

SSIP and USIP are not supported

mstatus.SIE and mstatus.UIE (and previous versions) are hardwired to 0

mstatus.SPP and mstatus.UPP are hardwired to 0

The mip (machine interrupt pending register) therefore is:

{20b0, MEIP, 3b0, MTIP, 3b0, MSIP, 3b0}

The mie (machine interrupt enable register) is:

{20b0, MEIE, 3b0, MTIE, 3b0, MSIE, 3b0}

The instruction to the pipeline to request an interrupt (which is only taken if an instruction is in uncommitted in the execution stage) must be generated using the execution mode and the interrupt enable bits and the interrupt pending bits.

Hence the 'take interrupt' is (mip & mie) != 0 && mstatus.MIE && (current mode >= machine mode) && (current mode != debug mode).

The required priority order is:

external interrupts, software interrupts, timer interrupts

If an instruction has been committed then it may trap, and the trap will occur prior to an interrupt which happens after the commit point. In this case there will be a trap, and the trapped instruction will be fetched, and then an interrupt can be taken.

When an interrupt is taken the following occurs:

MPP <= current execution mode (must be machine mode, as debug mode is not interruptible)

mstatus.MPIE <= mstatus.MIE

Note that WFI should wait independent of mstatus.MIE for (mip & mie) != 0 (given machine mode only) In debug mode WFI should be a NOP.

WFI may always be a NOP.

Scratch debug write


[in]clkRISC-V clock
[in]reset_nActive low reset
[in]irqsInterrupts in to the CPU
[in]csr_accessRISC-V CSR access, combinatorially decoded
[in]csr_write_dataWrite data for the CSR access, later in the cycle than possibly
[out]csr_dataCSR respone (including read data), from the current csr_access
[in]csr_controlsControl signals to update the CSRs
[out]csrsCSR values