CDL Modules


file  riscv_simple.cdl
 Very simple RISC-V implementation ported to CDL.

Detailed Description


module riscv_simple::riscv_simple ( clock  clk,
input bit  reset_n,
output t_riscv_mem_access_req  dmem_access_req,
input t_riscv_mem_access_resp  dmem_access_resp,
output t_riscv_mem_access_req  imem_access_req,
input t_riscv_mem_access_resp  imem_access_resp,
output t_riscv_i32_trace  trace 
[out]traceThis processor tries to keep it as simple as possible, with a 3-stage pipeline.

The first stage is instruction fetch; the instruction memory request is put out just before the middle of the cycle, and a memory (running either at 2x the clock speed, or off the negedge of the clock) presents the instruction fetched at the end of the cycle, where it is registered.

The second stage takes the fetched instruction, decodes, fetches register values, and executes the ALU stage; determining in half a cycle the next instruction fetch, and in the whole cycle the data memory request, which is valid just before the end

Mem, CPU , imem_req.7 , imem_resp.9 , ifetch.0, decode.2, RF rd.5 , Exec , dmem_req.9 , dmem_resp.9 , RFW 0 , 0 , fetch A , X , , , , , , , 1 , 0 , - , inst A , , , , , , , 2 , 1 , fetch B , X , inst A , inst A , inst A , inst A, inst A , , 3 , 1 , , inst B , , , , , , inst A , inst A