CDL Modules


file  apb_target_timer.cdl
 Simple timer target for an APB bus.

Detailed Description


module apb_target_ps2_host::apb_target_ps2_host ( clock  clk,
input bit  reset_n,
input t_apb_request  apb_request,
output t_apb_response  apb_response,
input t_ps2_pins  ps2_in,
output t_ps2_pins  ps2_out 

This module provides an APB target to read data from a PS2 host interface, particularly for a PS2 keyboard or mouse.

Before use, the clock divider must be set up with a write to the state.

The state register is

Bits Meaning
16;16 ps2_state.divider_3us (number of ticks to get approx 3us)
15 0
3;12 fifo_wptr
11 0
3;8 fifo_rptr
2;6 0
5 fifo full
4 fifo empty
3 fifo overflow occurred since last read
2 PS2 timeout occurred since last read
1 PS2 protocol error occurred since last read
0 PS2 parity error occurred since last read

The fifo register is:

Bits Meaning
31 Fifo empty (data invalid)
23; 8 0
8; 0 PS2 Rx data

The usage model is to poll bit 4 of the state register (the fifo empty bit); when this is cleared the fifo register will have at least one received byte; this may then be read.

An alternative is to poll the fifo register itself, and check if the top bit is clear; if so, the bottom eight bits contain valid data. This will set the FIFO underflow bit, on every read when there is no valid receive data.

[in]clkSystem clock
[in]reset_nActive low reset
[in]apb_requestAPB request
[out]apb_responseAPB response
[in]ps2_inPin values from the outside
[out]ps2_outPin values to drive - 1 means float high, 0 means pull low