CDL Modules


file  acia6850.cdl
 6850 async communications chip CDL implementation

Detailed Description


module acia6850::acia6850 ( clock  clk,
input bit  reset_n,
input bit  read_not_write,
input bit  chip_select[2],
input bit  chip_select_n,
input bit  address,
input bit  data_in[8],
output bit  data_out[8],
output bit  irq_n,
input bit  tx_clk,
input bit  rx_clk,
output bit  txd,
input bit  cts,
input bit  rxd,
output bit  rts,
input bit  dcd 
[in]clkClock that rises when the 'enable' of the 6850 completes - but a real clock for this model
[in]read_not_writeIndicates a read transaction if asserted and chip selected
[in]chip_selectActive high chip select
[in]chip_select_nActive low chip select
[in]addressChanges during phase 1 (phi[0] high) with address to read or write
[in]data_inData in (from CPU)
[out]data_outRead data out (to CPU)
[out]irq_nActive low interrupt
[in]tx_clkClock used for transmit data - must be really about at most quarter the speed of clk
[in]rx_clkClock used for receive data - must be really about at most quarter the speed of clk